Your donation goes to Seeds of Endless Hope, which is a 501c3 non profit.
New for the 2022 Season: Sponsor a child in need to come to Christmas 🎄 Land (your donation of $29 includes everything on our passport (plus horse drawn sleigh ride & snacks)!!!

Meet Frankie the Train
All proceeds from his book and specially marked “Frankie The Train” merchandise will go to Seeds of Endless Hope In honor of Christmas Land opening its 2019 season on the day of Frankie’s passing. Read about Frankie or browse his items below!
Ponycow Childrens Book (A Story Inspired by Christmas Land!) $25.00
NEW for 2023: CHRISTMAS LAND BOOK (inspired by the wonderful author who visited last year) Its a beautifully illustrated Hard Cover Book
$2 from every book sold goes to “Seeds of Endless Hope” to help local kids and families in need !! Perfect book to add to your Christmas Books..or give as a gift.
Also please consider the option to buy a book for a child in need …which we will deliver in time for Christmas! We work with many local children’s organizations!
Shipping is available now or you can pick up starting 11/25 Order Now

We are Thrilled & Honored to Announce our New Nonprofit 501c3!
Christmas Land strives to support our community and promote the welfare of others. Proceeds of any Seeds and Frankie item purchases made go towards helping families in need! Read about Seeds of Endless Hope Here or download our brochure!
Our Latest Giving News

“Make A Wish “ kids & families loved the horse drawn sleigh ride “ 12/2023

“Ronald McDonald House” kids and families lit up Christmas 🎄 Land with their joy “ 12/2023

"Santa spread christmas joy to local nursing home“ 12/2023
Trees of Endless Hope
The Trees of Hope are 6-foot Christmas Trees planted in the Christmas Land Village with colored lights each year.
Local businesses or families have an opportunity to sponsor a tree for $500 with a sign placed in perpetuity. All donations will go to children in need.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or learning more about our fund-raising activities, please email [email protected] or fill out a sponsorship form HERE.

Seeds Donates to Safe Inc. of Schenectady
Due to the generosity of our community, we were able to donate a large amount of youth and baby clothes, diapers, a baby bath and various other needed items for the young people Safe Inc.
See the good work Safe Inc. does HERE!

Seeds Adopts A Family
A big thank you to Marybeth Finnerty, a Seeds of Endless Hope board member who delivered gifts to “Things of Our Very Own”.
Seeds wishes our adopted family and all those struggling a blessed Christmas.

Guilderland Lacrosse Team Plants Trees at Christmas Land
The Guilderland Lacrosse Team visited Christmas Land to plant trees in honor of those who have passed.
Read About their good deed below!

Siena College Mentoring Program "Bigs and Littles" visits Christmas Land!
Read more HERE!

Bringing Santa to Albany Med
Santa himself delivered toys to all the children in Albany Med!
Read About the Visit Below!

Serving Our Community
We were able to bring the Christmas Spirit to two wonderful young women and what a pleasure it was! See what Captain Community is all about HERE!
Read the Whole Story!
Seeds Donates to Safe Inc. of Schenectady

We are beyond honored that we were able to donate supplies to this important and wonderful organization this year. As a community we are happy to stand together to support as many families as we can!
Read about Safe Inc. HERE or visit their Facebook page!
$2 from every book sold goes to “Seeds of Endless Hope” to help local kids and families in need !!
Perfect book to add to your Christmas Books..give as a gift .
..Also please consider the option to buy a book for a child in need …which we will deliver in time for Christmas .. ! We work with many local children’s organizations!
Shipping is available now or you can pick up starting 11/25
Guilderland Lacrosse Team Plants Trees

Well my friends …
What we did today was the most fun I’ve had in 2 months !!! Today the guilderland lacross team came up to Christmas Land LLC and planted 12 pine trees for “Trees of Hope “ project through our non profit Seeds Of Endless Hope. These trees will be sponsored in memory or in honor of loved ones! Every November these trees will be lit all season at Christmas Land & also their will be a beautiful wood sign in front of the tree engraved however you want! If interested in a tree please go to our Seeds of Endless Hope page for details. The team wanted to give back and also do something again as a team since they weren’t able to have their season cause of Covid 19 Then the parents took it to the next level and organized over 100 cars to stop by with decorated cars …fire department ..police department …to congratulate the 8 kids who are seniors …they had their photos on banners hanging on our fence line … These kids were such an awesome group !!! They did a good deed ….wore their masks ..& got to be together !! Huge thank you to Guilderland parents for organizing …we are sooo appreciative of all the work the kids did !!! PS THE FACT THAT IT SNOWED WAS TOO FUNNY….cause here we are planting pine Trees in May at Christmas land & it snows ! Gotta laugh it was freezing and 30 degrees today See the News10 article about their deed HERE. |
Santa’s Visit to the Albany Med Pediatrics Unit

In 2018 we had the honor & privilege of visiting Albany Med & bringing gifts to the brave …amazing children battling cancer & other diseases these precious kids shouldn’t have to be dealing with.
Thank you Rob & Ryan for inviting us. The staff at Albany Med is amazing. The families and kids are so brave and awe inspiring. My heart & prayers goes out to all of them.
As tears filled my eyes seeing these children and there families, I realized I was the lucky one to have met them and honored to have been able to witness the joy on their faces as they waved to & hugged Santa.
Thank you sooo much to all of our wonderful Christmas Land LLC customers who donated amazing toys in our toys box this season …thank u to all the kind people who shipped toys and dropped toys off at my house who didn’t even put a name on the box ..so whoever you kind people are THANK YOU … thank you to my parents & special friends whose monetary donation bough iTunes gift cards for all the kids so they can buy music…movies & games of their choice.
We are forever changed by this experience.
Michelle Annese
Paula Tambasco
Suzanne Fiore DeVito & JJ
Thank you sooo much !
Christmas Land Hosts Quest for Grace
What is Quest for Grace? See this excerpt from their homepage!
Since 2005, The Quest for Grace Foundation has provided clothing, and other items to foster children in the Capital Region. The Foundation operates solely on donations and good will. Every item is free and nothing is sold.
Founded on the premise that “every child is a gift,” we seek to make a positive difference in the lives of these children. We hope that our efforts help lighten the burden of neglect, indifference and abuse and let foster children know that someone cares for them.
What a blast on December 10th and 11th!
We have a lot of people to thank for this wonderful weekend!
First and foremost, thank you to Ronald McDonald house for allowing us to host your children and their families at Christmas Land! We hope they all enjoyed the photos, cookies, lunch, gifts, music, and fun. We are so grateful to have been able to offer them a day of fun during the holiday season!
Thank you to Debbie for coordinating all this, to Today’s Limousines for donating the limo and driver, and an enormous thank you to all of you who have attended Christmas Land and donated gifts for the children and their families. We couldn’t have done it without all of you!